How to Find Someone on Snapchat without their Username

This “Digital Era has completely revolutionized the entire globe.” The internet has changed the whole perspective of knowledge sharing. Print media has been replaced with social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have given new concepts of sharing and connecting with friends. Snapchat is a new addition to social media with unique features designed for millennials. Snapchat is different and inventive and requires additional steps to search for Snapchat users. This article will guide you to find someone on Snapchat with your iPad, Android, or iPhone with or without a username of the person via user search, Snapchat codes, and other methods. Plus, to monitor someone’s Snapchat use mSpy


How to Find Nearby Snapchat Friends (Updated)


There are numerous ways to find Snapchat users. You can find them with or without the username. Snapchat is a different social media platform compared to Facebook or Twitter. We are aware of finding people on Facebook by usernames, full names, or email IDs. But searching for someone or finding friends on Snapchat is altogether a different story. There are multiple ways to find your friends on Snapchat using a username or phone number, location, etc. So let us discuss how we can find and add any Snapchat users without using their usernames.

Most of us know that Snapchat usernames are unique and cannot be altered once they are set. Some simple steps exist to add people to your Snapchat friends list. When you tap on your Snapchat profile, you will find options, including adding friends and sync contacts. Your Snapchat account is linked to your phone number, and you can add those friends who have a Snapchat account. In the “Add Friends” icon on the top right corner of the top of the screen, multiple options include adding friends, contacts, and Snapcodes. We will get into the details of using all these options to find people on Snapchat.


How to Find someone on Snapchat – Snapchat user search

We are going to discuss a total of six steps to finding someone on Snapchat. Through these various ways, you can find your friend on Snapchat.

  1. Using Snapcode
  2. Nearby users using location
  3. Add by username
  4. Add by phone number
  5. Using Email-ID
  6. Using other social media platforms


find snapchat user


How to Add Someone on Snapchat by Snapcode

Open Snapchat by clicking on the Snapchat icon. Snapchat gives the option to its users to create unique Snapcodes. These codes are similar to those of QR codes in functionality. You can scan the Snapcode via Snapchat and then follow them. A lot of famous people and celebrities are using Snapcodes so that users can follow them with ease. You can add as many people as you want via scanning Snapcode. Snapchat users share screenshots of the Snapcodes on Google or any other social media platform.

You will find the “Add Friends Icon” when you open your profile icon pops up. When you tap to add friends, you will find two options available. One is all contacts, and the other is scan Snapcode. Kindly save the photos of the Snapcodes of the people you want to add to your camera roll. You can open the saved Snapcodes via scan Snapcode. Once the Snapcode is correctly scanned, a profile will appear on your screen. Add the Snapchat user as your friend.


Find Nearby Snapchat Users

There is an additional option of adding nearby Snapchat users. You can find this option under the “Add Friends” option and the person will get the notification. Make sure you have switched your device’s location, as it helps Snapchat identify nearby users. Snapchat will scan its users in proximity and display their profiles on your screen. In this way, you can add nearby people to your Snapchat. Snapchat Map is quite a handy function that allows you to find friends via Snapchat location. You can also track your friend’s location on Snapchat if you all share YOUR locations.


find snapchat user


Search for Someone’s Snapchat Username

The next step simplest ever method to search for friends on Snapchat via your Snapchat account. Open the Snapchat app and go to add friends menu. You can use the username option to look up Snapchat users. Type in the username in the Snapchat member search box. The Snapchat app will suggest Snapchat users based on the input name. If you have found the required person, add them as friends. As mentioned in the article, Snapchat usernames are unique, and users cannot alter them once they are set. It becomes easy for you to search for the most relevant person as Snapchat provides all the relevant searches.


How to Find Someone on Snapchat with phone number

You can track someone on Snapchat using phone numbers. Just make sure to add the phone number in your phone book and then open the “My friends” option on Snapchat. There are two options right at the top. The left-one “friends” option shows your current friend list on Snapchat. The right option will display the contacts present in your address book. You can add your friend on Snapchat using your phone number.


Find Snapchat User By Email

You can also find Snapchat users with the help of an email-id. If you do not know the phone number, then you can add friends using add by email ID instead of using the address book. You can add friends with an email ID associated with their Snapchat accounts.


Find Snapchat user search via Social Media

Most people share their Snapchat usernames and Snapcodes on their social media profiles and bio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Just copy the username and search for them in the Snapchat user search bar. The Snapchat profile will pop up on your main menu, and you can add them as friends on Snapchat. You can also find your friend on bitmoji stories to your friends.


find snapchat user , snapchat username search


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Find out my Email for Snapchat?

You can click on your profile and then go to settings. Your email is written against the heading email under the mobile number.

How can I Find out Someone’s Email Address?

You cannot find the email address of others on Snapchat as they provide very little information, even on your friend’s profiles.

How Can I Search for people on Snapchat?

Finding someone on Snapchat is straightforward, and there are several ways to do it. You can search for known people by adding your phone’s contacts. You can also search the people with the help of their usernames, and it can also be done using Snapcode.

How can you Find someone on Snapchat without their Username?

You can find someone by their phone number if you still need their username. Plus, You can use Snapchat users to search with their names. You can also download the yellow app and use it to know the Snapchat user name once you both like each other.

How do you Find people you know on Snapchat?

You can find people you know on Snapchat by their usernames and phone number from the Snapchat user search.

How do I Find Someone on Snapchat by Phone Number?

Open your Snapchat and swipe down from the camera screen; there, you will see add friends button click on it. You can click on add from contacts, and after allowing Snapchat access to your contacts, you can find all your contacts under Snapchatters in your contact list.

Can you Search Snapchat without an Account?

No, you cannot search Snapchat without an account.

How can you Find Someone on Snapchat without their Phone Number?

You can find someone by their name or username from Snapchat using a search.

How can I Add someone on Snapchat without it being searched by search?

You can add them to your contact list without searching on Snapchat search.

Why is there Nobody in my Quick Add?

You need to have a specific number of mutual friends to have someone on your quick ad, provided that the person has enabled the quick add feature in Snapchat.

Does Snapchat Say to Add Someone?

You get notified by Snapchat when someone adds you, and Snapchat also provides information about the method used for adding.

Final Verdict

We have compiled all the possible ways and steps to find people on Snapchat. We value your friendship and want you to connect with your friends on Snapchat. You can use different means to find people on Snapchat and enjoy watching their stories.

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