Best Friend Picture Ideas to Celebrate Your Friendship

In the life of each of you, there is a person or people who at some point in life are closer to your family. And sometimes in the course of life, your paths diverge, but you always remember them with trepidation in your soul. They can be school friends, friends from your student years, or your youth, and it is great to remember them and review the common photos.
Such photo shoots give you an opportunity to immortalize your friendship with another person, and besides, an excuse to have fun together.
In order to realize such an idea for a photo shoot, you need to think beforehand about the story (plot), location, props, clothing, and posing – that is, to think beforehand about the ideas that you can recreate in the process of the photo shoot.
In this article, you can find interesting ideas for you, but moreover, with a lot of the best friend photoshoot ideas you can find if you go to Skylum`s blog. There you are sure to find the ideas you want, and get great results for yourself or your clients!
Shared Cooking Habits
Agree that everyone likes to eat nourishing and tasty food, regardless of lifestyle, gender, or other characteristics. In the process of long years of friendship, you probably have common favorite foods, which can also be an idea for a frame! And the food doesn’t have to be eaten together, it can be cooked together. An idea for a shot could be something like this:
- you can make your favorite pizza together, using flour as props for the shot, blowing it off the palm of your hand onto each other;
- roast marshmallows together over a fire;
- make mulled wine.
Props and the process can vary depending on your culinary preferences.
Repeat the Photo Years Later
If your friendship lasts from deep in childhood, or you met each other in your high school or college days – you definitely have pictures of that period of life together. Choose the photo that evokes your most trepidation, and recreate similar clothing, hair, props, and other nuances, for a complete picture. Such a collage of two photos “20 years later” will not leave you indifferent!
Pick Up Similar Clothing
Such shots can be taken in a sophisticated vintage style, or with clothes that add fun and quirkiness to the photo. In addition, clothing in such a case can also be props, for example:
- purchase t-shirts with funny slogans in advance;
- the same or similar hats;
- baseball caps, similar to the ones you wore together in childhood;
- or just buy each other fancy clothes without showing them before the shoot, which will not only add fun to the shot, but also to your sincere emotions.
You can also stipulate the color of the clothes in advance, or, for example, similar items of clothing, that would look organic in the photo.
Active Time Together
Realize the photo shoot in a city park, where you can organize a joint picnic, play frisbee with plates, take pictures on the green grass, and the like. It is better to shoot such photos in the morning or evening when natural light is at its best.
In addition, the location for such a photo shoot may be an amusement park, regardless of your age. In the evening, a large number of bright lights will add color to your photos. And also, you can find a large number of props, such as:
- cotton candy;
- funny hats;
- a variety of luminous bracelets, and so on.
Well, and of course, the emotions of fun and attraction.
Spend a SPA-day
What can be better than a vacation in the company of your best girlfriend or friend? This is a great idea for a photo shoot that will help convey your relaxed state and capture the day spent together.
In addition, the spa itself has plenty of props, such as:
- white robes and towels, wrapped in which you can take very cozy shots;
- masks, in which you can take not only beautiful but also funny pictures;
- a tea party with beautiful tableware.
Similar shots you can make at home using all the same home.
Discover Your Little Secrets
When people spend a large number of years together, they are bound to develop habits together, some special actions that only they know about.
For example, friends may say hello and goodbye with some special handshake that they have repeated over the years since they were children. Or actions that they always do together, like watching movies in their favorite pajamas in their free time.
Take such photos by adding festive trappings in the form of a balloon with the number of years of your friendship and confetti.
Take a Walk Down Your Hometown Streets
Everything in life changes over the years, but there are places that always stay in your heart as your dearest. Take photos of a walk through places like these:
- the roads you and your best friend used to walk by hand from school;
- a place that only you knew about;
- a place where you had a view of your favorite city;
- the place where you always met, and so on.
Years from now, shots like these will evoke very sweet emotions in you.
To sum up, it is important to say that it is worth allocating time for this kind of photography, because no one knows how your life will change tomorrow, and the photos of a loved one will remain with you forever. The success of the photo shoot of your friendship celebration depends on how well you are going to prepare for it and your good mood at that moment. Think beforehand about locations, props, and history and you are sure to get a good result!