Zong Fiber Optic Internet in Pakistan Launching Soon

Zong 4G will become the first private telecom company to introduce Zong fiber optic internet in Pakistan. Zong is also a pioneer in 4G internet services in Pakistan. Through a press release, Zong informed all media houses that China Mobile would enter the wired connectivity market in Pakistan. Zong 4G has the latest and most modern infrastructure all over Pakistan. More than 100 million users are availing of the services all over Pakistan.
Zong fiber optic internet
This service will be available in the posh area of Karachi for a start. And then, the service will be provided in all major and metropolitan cities of Pakistan.
With the announcement of fiber optic internet service, the company enters the competition with state-backed internet provider PTCL, which has infrastructure all over Pakistan.
The officials from Zong 4G are saying energetic and promising words. The CEO of Zong Wng Hua stated that fiber internet needs interruptions connectivity. All walks of life demand superfast internet. And Zong has achieved a milestone with the fiber optic internet service announcement. The objective of Zong Fiber is to equip the ordinary person will the connectivity that propagates everyday life toward new possible opportunities.
The official launch ceremony will be held in Karachi in the next week. The ceremony will be two days long. After that, the selected area of Karachi can enjoy the service.
It is also announced that the first 100 connections will be provided for free, and there will be no installation fee.
The arrival of the Zong Fiber optic internet service indicates business in Pakistan. It will also break the monopoly of PTCL, the only wired internet provider in Pakistan.
The internet is vital for education, information, and entertainment. With 60% Youth, Pakistan has a workforce that can unleash their potential through the internet.
Vast scope opportunities are waiting for exploration, and connectivity is a necessary part of them. China Mobile is investing in infrastructure for connectivity all over Pakistan. And it is a surety that this telecom service provider will earn hefty profits in the following years.