Desi Pickup Lines That Will Make You Laugh

[bctt tweet=”Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I smile.” username=”PaktalesBlog”] As cheesy as this may sound, this desi pickup line is a fun and flirty conversation starter. And it can really make your crush smile. We all know, “Hansi Tu Phansi”. So, guys gear up as we have collected some cheesy, romantic, and halal Pakistani pickup lines that you can try your luck with. (At your own risk though). Flirty conversation starters are very trendy among young generations.

Desi pick up lines for the Pakistani lads
We all know how cheesy these desi boys can get, so naturally, their pick up lines are cheesy too. And probably used on one hundred other girls too. But hey it’s tough to perfect the dialogue delivery, And the goal is to make your sweetheart smile.
For the bold and beautiful, because, ladies first:
Madonna will never go out of style ladies, try this one. Nice shirt, is it made of boyfriend material.
A romantic pickup line invented by the ultimate food lover:
You all know this guy who loves his food, but guess what he loves you too.
Baby, you are as sweet as a Gulab Jamun
Okay, this might just get you somewhere, because what could be more flattering than being compared to the perfection of a Gulab jamun.
This is literally the desi “Flirty conversation starter”:
When I saw you I said Mashallah and I am saying Inshallah ever since.
Girl, you are so Haraam, I wanna make it halal right now.
The Halal pickup line, Muslim Swag:
I want to go on hajj with you. ( When nothing works )
The line between haram and halal is a blur here:
Can I have your number, to wake you up for Fajr?
And the mama’s boy:
Can I have your picture, so I could show it to my mother? Because, duh! Ammi Nahi Maneyngi is a valid reason for break up, girls.
This is an original Pakistani pickup line:
I heard the first look is halal, never blinked.
For someone who loves to brag:
Wanna date, I gotta whole box when I was in Makkah.
And when we are talking about bragging:
Hey, my father is a landlord/ businessman/ politician (whatever sits well). Need we say more.
So, dear readers, that’s all from us. Do comment and tell us, your favorite desi pick up lines or flirty conversation starters. And if you have used Desi pickup lines.